Building an Inclusive Coworking Space by Supporting Diversity and Culture

coworking space

As coworking spaces are being embraced in higher demands, let us learn how to make it an even more inclusive space by supporting diversity and culture. 

We live in a diverse world. There are different types of people all over the world. 8 Billion of them, to be exact. So it is in the higher bracket of possibility that we are going to encounter these diverse people at our coworking office. To build an inclusive space and support communities from all walks of life, an office space should be open enough to accept this diversity. Especially in a coworking office, there can be another organisation working with you who has a diverse workforce. Here are ways in which we can make our workspace more inclusive by supporting diversity and culture.

Inclusivity Training:

When you hire diverse employees or when another organisation in the coworking space has a diverse workforce, some of the older and conventional employees may have some problem with treating the new employees. There can be some things that the older employees may not be aware of. During inclusivity training, all employees must be made aware of how they should treat diverse cultures. All employees’ questions should be answered in a professional manner and rules must be set forward. Failure to follow the rules should have serious consequences. 

Accessible Workspace:

A diverse workforce also means people who are differently abled. When diverse employees are hired, it is the company’s responsibility to check whether the workspace is accessible to everyone. This promotes inclusivity and shows support to the people who are differently abled. 

Providing Safe Spaces:

Everyone in the coworking space should be able to express themselves by keeping their culture alive. The workspace can hold cultural events to celebrate everybody’s cultures and backgrounds. A potluck or a talent show can be held in order for people to show their culture to their coworkers. 

Suggestion Box:

Every coworking space should have either a diversity committee that employees can go to to express their concerns about being treated differently. Or a suggestion box must be put up to let employees anonymously let the people in charge know what is going on at the workspace. The suggestion box should be regularly checked and immediate action must be taken if there is any conflict in the workspace.  

Be Respectful:

Diversity means the acceptance of every and all kinds of different cultures, choices, races, identities, perspectives, and just ways of life in general. It does not exclude anybody and it does not discriminate. Be respectful of all employees’ livelihoods. It is important to remember that a workspace is a professional space and any judgement and bias towards diverse people can be penalised. 

Another thing to remember is that at the end of the day, everybody is human; words and actions can truly hurt a person. So always be respectful towards people in case the disrespect is in reward to their way of living. 


Building an inclusive coworking space by supporting diversity and culture is an important factor in this world. Conducting inclusivity training for all employees to educate them on how to treat diverse cultures is crucial. Additionally, ensuring that the workspace is accessible to people with different abilities demonstrates support for inclusivity. Organising cultural events and providing safe spaces for individuals to express their backgrounds fosters a sense of belonging. Establishing a diversity committee or suggestion box allows employees to voice concerns and take immediate action when conflicts arise. Ultimately, respect for all individuals and their diverse ways of life is essential in creating an inclusive workspace.