Debunking 6 Myths About Coworking

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Everyone knows that coworking spaces are being accepted as the norm of offices. This is because of many reasons that are in favour of coworking spaces. But even today, there are myths that go around about the misconceptions about coworking. We are going to debunk them today! 


Myth 1- Just for Startups

Many people are of the opinion that because many coworking spaces are used by startups, they are only suited for such. But the truth is that because most startups are of a younger generation, they are open to unconventional ways of working, and are also aware of the many benefits of coworking than the older generation. 


Myth 2- No Private Office

You would think “in a coworking space, where everything is open for everyone, surely there is no privacy and private offices”. This is not the case. Coworking does not mean that every employee works together in the same walls. It means that companies come together to work together, but there are private offices for higher authorities, as well as many amenities like conference and meeting rooms, recreation and rest rooms as well. 


Myth 3- Noisy and Distractive

Since coworking means coming together with other employees of different organisations, people assume that it will cause a distraction in the work. What people fail to realise is that coworking is not as different as working in a traditional office space. The dynamic of the office is the same, except that there are more organisations involved. On the contrary to this myth, coworking has proven to increase productivity and workflow. The reactive spaces in a coworking space bring different minded people together which allows people to share ideas and get the creative juices flowing.


Myth 4- Unprofessional

“Coworking spaces are used by people with no knowledge in the business field! No client will think they are professional” These thoughts are restrictive and are not what coworking is. Many professionals in multiple fields use coworking spaces for its benefits like its amenities, facilities, etc. There are many people who prefer to cowork since it increases productivity. Another fact is that the office space of a company has nothing to do with the efficiency and quality of the company’s work. So if the company is true to their word, the clients are bound to be loyal to them.


Myth 5- Not a Real Business

There are misconceptions about coworking that organisations that opt for it are not “real businesses” or “don’t know what they’re doing”. These misconceptions sprout from the fact that most of the organisations that opt for coworking spaces are startups. Now, naturally if a company is a startup, they will need some experience in the field before they make a name in the world. It is still wrong to assume that these companies do not know what they are doing. Every company is important and judging them on the basis of where they work should not be a criteria. 


Myth 6- Expensive

People think that because coworking spaces come with so many amenities and facilities, they cannot be afforded. On the contrary, because coworking spaces are divided up by different individuals, they only pay for the amenities that they are using according to their requirement. Other than this, coworking spaces are equipped with multiple rooms dedicated to the employees where everyone working in the space can lounge in. This way, the cost is divided. Even the facility charges are divided among the companies. They are eco friendly and pocket friendly all at the same time!


Coworking is a non-traditional way of working that is becoming big in the world. So it is important to debunk any myths that prevent individuals from making the wrong decisions about coworking. Although conventional offices have their own benefits, coworking offices too are saturated with their own benefits that people should become aware of.