Employee engagement matters? Explained!!

Employee engagement matters? Explained

First things first, before we understand what, when, why, and how, let us understand what employee engagement is in the first place.

What is employee engagement?

Simpler than ever, if I were to define employee engagement I would just say the relationship between the employee and the organization. Now, this might vary from person to person. How much effort is your organization taking on their behalf to improve your inclusion how are you attached to the organization and what efforts do you take for your organization's employee engagement?

A lot of things make or break this bond. Job satisfaction is one such, employees must be provided with a feeling of being supported and appreciated, they must feel happy to work in the organization. Probably this can then be the factor that makes the relationship stronger.


Hardly companies are aware of the fact that for them demanding better results would need investment. Investment of good, support, and appreciation. When employees are highly engaged they are motivated and contribute better than ever. Not only do employees benefit from satisfaction rather companies notice better results.

Sadly, 2021 witnessed the first decline in employee engagement. 23% of employees are not actively engaged in the workplace. The reason could be anything: poor communication, micromanagement, lack of opportunities, peer culture, recognition, and excessive workload.

How can you possibly eradicate these challenges?

Let’s discuss this one by one:

  • More work, less recognition: One usual problem that is being faced by the employees constantly is not understanding the timelines. Employees are always swamped with work and are asked to deliver what's necessary even after work hours. These additional efforts are always kept under the category of office work and they are not provided with any recognition and appreciation. This makes the employees lose interest and actively look out for better opportunities. 

Solution: Try appreciating an employee's personal time and space. Do not extend their deadlines or ask them to extend their work hours for tasks, especially without extra pay. Besides, also appreciate and recognize their work, time, and efforts.

  • Make them feel heard and wanted: Every individual is a different human with a unique mindset and approach. Studies have shown that 82% of workers have better ideas to boost productivity and business yet their ideas and approaches are not welcomed. There is a major problem that employees are feeling unheard and they aren’t even feeling wanted. 

Solution: Companies should appreciate new ideas and approaches. Always make time and room for meetings where people can come up with new ideas and you can discuss them with resources to have a broader perspective of the scenario and implement it, this will eventually lead to providing the employees with the confidence to think out of the box and be appreciated. Additionally, companies will see the difference, trust me.

  • Communication gap: Not just the other communication barrier but communication is very difficult among the employees. An exchange of thought processes and ideas takes place when you communicate. You get to know the areas where you must work and get appreciated. A refreshment also comes along with healthy communication.

Solution: Managers and HRs should encourage healthy discussions, and meetings, and organize dinner or lunch outside the working zones. This will increase the interaction between employees and the managers with the end result that they will start enjoying their work more than ever.

What are the other ways to improve employee engagement?

  • Plan outings and brunches or dinners, promoting healthy collaboration of the employees, and the managers.
  • Provide your employees with a flexible work situation. This will improve their interest in the work.
  • Recognize and reward them from time to time.
  • Ask for feedback and suggestions.
  • Respect their personal time, workload, and working hours.
  • Do timely surveys and quality analysis and discuss the issues and problems of the employees.


There is a fine line and not respecting and appreciating that makes the employee move to either side, which is disinterested and unhappy working. It’s high time that companies take measures to ensure that employee engagement is high and that they make an effort to increase it.