Eco-friendly Facility Management Practices For Serviced Offices

Eco-friendly Facility Management Practices for Serviced Offices

The world grows everyday; and with it so should the corporate world. Being sustainable has become imperative today. There are eco-friendly facility management practices for serviced offices.

Understanding how important adopting sustainable and eco-friendly practices in an office of any kind is important. Sustainability is a way of coexisting as tech-driven human beings with nature without harming the environment we live in. 

Investigate your equipment company

The world can be deceiving. Many asset leasing companies may claim that they are sustainable and eco-friendly but what they do with their equipment is beyond our control.

Asset leasing is a great way of incorporating sustainability into your organisation and it is also preferred by most managed and serviced offices. But when you are selecting an asset leasing company, always conduct your market research and dive deep into the selected company’s reputation. This will ensure that you are actually paying for sustainable practices. 

Energy Efficient Material:

In case you live in an old building, the material used during its construction is doing more harm to the environment. Switching your material like insulation or generator motors is a better service to the environment than letting them run because you stop shopping practices. One thing about switching to eco-friendly and sustainable practices is that you will have to spend more in one go but it will last for years without any harm. 

The insulation that is installed in older buildings is not doing the environment any benefit. Because it is old, it takes up more energy and heats up the machinery. 

Solar Panels

Instead of old generators and inverters, get solar panels installed for the building. Despite its cost splurge, it is a big step towards sustainability and eco-friendliness. 

Solar panels harness the heat of the sun, a renewable source of energy, in order to operate machinery instead of artificial energy, which would reduce carbon footprint. 

Switch lights

Older buildings have fluorescent and incandescent lights which are carcinogenic and not excellent for the environment. Switch to LED or CFL lighting. These lights use less energy and last for years if maintained properly. An even better alternative is motion-sensored lighting. These lights save up immense amounts of energy and are only in use when you need them.


Once you start composting, there is no going back. Many people do not realise that almost everything can be composted. There should be separate bins for recycling and composting. This would help in prevention of acres of landfills. Composting will also allow you to build a garden of your own in your building. 

Big Windows

Make use of the sun. Take down small windows and build big windows which allow plenty of sunlight to enter. This not only is energy efficient but also is good for employee health. It reduces stress on the environment as well as the brain.

Saving water

While this may seem like an obvious solution that you may already be carrying out, shutting off old taps that have been leaking forever and are being ignored because “that’s just the way it’s been” can make a big difference. Many organisations have incorporated motion-sensored taps into their bathrooms. 

You can also start rain-water harvesting. Especially in a country like India, where we have plenty of opportunities to harvest natural resources, we should take advantage of the fact.