Feeling Lazy At Work? Here’s How To Be More Productive

coworking space

We all know how it feels to be at the office and not want to work because you're feeling lazy. Here are some tips that will make you want to work again. 


If you are someone who works, you know how unmotivated one can get during the day. There are days where you are excellent at being productive and even motivate others, but there can be other days where you absolutely do not have it in you to do an ounce of work. This blog is for the latter days. We hope you find the motivation you need if you're having one of these days. 



A human being can fully give their undivided attention to a task for 5 hours throughout the day. Since work spans from 8-9 hours a day, it is important that you divide this time in order to be productive. In order to achieve this, it is important to take breaks between your tasks. Working for 30 minutes should warrant a 5 minute break. Only by taking breaks and not continuously doing your task will you be fully productive. 


Change places

Your assigned workspace can become a habit. Once you start getting too comfortable with your workspace, it gets difficult to concentrate on work. Usually, offices have isolated break spaces. If you notice yourself getting too distracted at your assigned workspace, go and work at different spots in the office. 


Creativity in the Morning

If a task at work requires you to be creative, get the task out of the way in the morning itself. You are fresh in the morning and you tend to get more work done in the morning. So use this advantage to get creative in the morning and then do the mind numbing tasks through the rest of the day. 



We all decorate our rooms according to our personalities and creativity to feel at home. So why not decorate our workspaces to be more comfortable with it? Sticky notes, sketches, picture frames, accessories, etc., can be propped up in your workspace. Making a workspace more suited to your needs and likings can make you feel comfortable at work. It can also reduce anxiety of being in a foreign place. 



Movement is neglected by most employees. Doctors cannot stress enough how important movement is for every human being. Especially for employees who work 40 hours a day. Sitting in one position for prolonged periods of time can never go well. It can cause many health problems and even harm your blood flow. 

Taking breaks of 5-10 minutes to walk around is an assured way to not harm yourself while working. 



The science of music is quite complicated relating to the wavelengths and bpm. But what we do know is that music, specifically music you like releases dopamine, a happy chemical that makes you feel good. A dopamine filled mind is sure to feel productive. So if you’re feeling demotivated or drained, put on your headphones and bump your absolute go-to music. Listening to music is never a bad choice. If your office allows it (and if you are one of those skilled people who can), listen to music in the background while working. 



We all know how tasks can get piled up throughout the day. It can get overwhelming if multiple people assign you a new task every hour. To avoid having a breakdown, schedule your tasks. Cross them out one by one. Making a schedule is what will help you stay focused. Noting down your hourly work is of great help on a long day.



Humans are social animals. Everybody needs somebody. Even at work. Having colleagues you can take a break with can help with stress relief. Colleagues understand the burden you face because, well, they're facing the same. So talking to them about your work or something else to relieve your mind from stress is important. You cannot always be serious at work. Some levity is required for it to not feel suffocated. On top of that, making plans after work becomes a plus point!



Feeling lazy at work is completely justified. There can be bad days where you are not feeling up to it. These days should be dedicated to your health. Do things that will relieve your stress, not add to it. It is always good to change perspective towards work to engage in being productive.