5 Types of Friends You Need At Work

coworking space, office space

We all know a common saying - A friend in need, is a friend indeed, this proverb is enough to define the actual value of a friendship. Friendship is all about the comfort and happiness that we get from our known favourite people. We have that one friend who is always happy, high on good vibes, and positive; and one friend who many a time is low and with negativity. Both of these friends are helpful to make us understand things around us for a reality check, thus balancing our mood. 

There are many different types of people around us who we might need and vice versa in and around our work chores. Here are some types of friends you may need in your squad while at work to help you get through your work day. 

1. The one who is Career Oriented

These are the type of friends who are always thriving to gain new skills and working on new projects and assignments in their organization. They are always in some work and most productive around. Having such type of friends in your office squad is a boon, as they will always help you keep focussed and motivated in your work and also in all your career goals. These types are always helpful in getting advice in terms of your career and office work goals. 

2. The one who is a Mentor

There is always a wise and sound person around us who is well settled and everything around his life is sorted and seems to have a life together. They are the ones who offer solutions to all your problems in complicated work activities at your workplace. They not only offer work advice but can also help you in your personal life with suggestions and advice on your problems as well. You are lucky if you have such friends, because even after you are not working together then also you will be good friends lifelong. 

3. The one who is your Bosom friend

The friend who is always available for you and he/she is the one with whom you can talk about literally anything. You can vent all your problems, experiences, and any such things without worrying about getting judged. They are your shoulder, you can rely on them and literally cry with them as well, you have their back always in the office as well as when you are away from the office.  But you must be careful always and assess the situation so that it's not only you who is always venting your problems, you must change your role to a Listener, as they also need you many a time.

4. The one who is always socially active

This type of friend is the one who is always active with everyone in the office and uplifts the environment around. Everyone has a good time with this friend, who cheers you up no matter what the situation is. If you are feeling down you can have a fun time with him/her and get yourself a little bit uplifted. As this friend talks to everyone in the office, you can get many insights into things in and around the office. If you need to know something you can simply ask them and they will definitely have something to tell or the source where you can get the information. 

5. Your partner in crime

This a friend on whom you can always count for each situation, whether you are working late hours or want to have some good time in the office with, they are always available for you and you are for them in any situation. You come to the office together, leave together and have breaks together. These friends are the ones you must have at your workplace.  

In Closing: 

Having friends at your workplace is a gratifying experience one can have. They make your work and days go faster, and you can have a good time working together in your office space. They help you grow in your career and life and you also play an important role in their lives. Make as many friends as you can in and around your workplace and have a good work time.