Practical Strategies to Reduce Stress at Work

Practical Strategies to Reduce Stress at Work

Work can get very hectic, especially if you're a workaholic. Once you start to feel the burnout, there is no coming out of it until you take a leave and sleep all day. Well there is a way to avoid this. 

Note Down Your Stressors

In a place where you are being overwhelmed, the first thing you need to do is to pinpoint exactly what is overwhelming you. Once you understand that, you can start to narrow down why these things are stressing you out. 

At times, you won’t even realise that a certain thing is bringing you stress. Stressors can begin to manifest from small ticks like restlessness which, if not brought under control, will turn into a full-fledged panic attack. The British Safety Council of India has found that 50 people die of suicide because of work related stress every week. So it is important to figure out exactly when you feel overwhelmed or even underwhelmed. 

Some ways to avoid stress are the following:

Stay away from negative people

In an office setting, it is quite easy to feel demotivated. And since misery needs company, the demotivated will bring others down as well. It is fun to crb about work when both of you are feeling the same, but if you are motivated about a specific task, and then someone brings you down, you may lose your will to work too. Everyone knows that feeling down on a good day can become a stressor.

In case this is the other way around, keep in mind that you cope with your feelings before including someone else. Of course, if you need counsel, you can count on your friend then, but tread with caution. 

Avoid Politics

Workplace politics is inevitable no matter what kind of office you are in. When push comes to shove (and when it comes to saving your career), you too participate in these politics. But this can have a diverse effect on your mental well-being. It can become a stressor and you will start worrying about it everyday. Concentration from work will be diverted towards plotting your coworker’s downfall. You definitely do not want that to happen since that will lead you to become the bad guy, which in itself will become another stressor. 


Whoever said that having fun at work will hamper productivity probably never had friends at work. Making your colleagues your allies can not only result in willingness to come into the office, it will also help you eradicate workplace politics. Friends at the office are always a plus point. They are probably the only ones who can related to your work-related ailments 

Work-life balance

There are many people who cannot balance their work and life. This usually happens when the working hours are over 9 in one day. People tend to make work their life and forget to live their actual lives. Once this gets out of hand, there is no going back. If you have a family, and friends that are like family, you need to learn how to spend time with them. Without making work your priority, learn to let some things go. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it is also a crucial part of life. 


Work is a normal part of life. Everyone has to do it. It can cause unbearable stress and burnout that can escalate into a mental illness. If it does exceed to such levels, seek counsel immediately. If you notice it taking over your life, and if it is still under your control, the above methods will help you tackle stress at work.